Atletico Madrid sporting director Paulo Futre will be leaving the club at the end of the season, president Jesus Gil has confirmed.
“We both agree that it is better that we shouldn’t continue the relationship,” Gil told Spanish sports daily Marca.
“With Futre you should not confuse our professional differences with our personal relationship,” said Gil.
“We still get on very well together.”
Gil and Futre have had a series of bust-ups since the former Portugal international striker took up his post in November 2000. The rimary source of conflict was over the club’s transfer policy with Gil accusing Futre of pursuing targets beyond the financial means of the club.
“Futre has played an important part in the history of the club,” added Gil.
“But we no longer need someone to try to sign expensive players. I am not interested in big stars any more.”
“At the moment there is no alternative but to ask for loans until we can manage to get things straight. We have lived beyond our means for many years and now it is over. We have to cut costs because we can’t go on like this.”